Joakim Aronsson, also known as Paido, is a Swedish graphic designer with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Beckmans
College of Design and a Master of Fine Arts from Konstfack – University of Arts, Crafts and Design.
Joakim's work is characterized by a strong emphasis on mixed media in the digital realm, with a particular passion
for motion and web design. He has extensive experience working with a range of design software, including Blender,
and is constantly exploring new tools and techniques to push the boundaries of his craft.
Currently based in Stockholm, Joakim has worked with a variety of clients across multiple industries, including
fashion, technology, and entertainment.
Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, MFA Visual Communication, (2019 – 2021), Stockholm
Beckmans Collage of Design, BFA Visual Communication, (2014 – 2017), Stockholm
Helliden Folkhögskola, graphic design, (2013/2014), Tidaholm
Leksand Folkhögskola, design, (2012/2013), Leksand
Save Our Souls, Designer (2024 – current), Stockholm
Pond Design, Designer (2023 – 2024), Stockholm
Happy F&B, Designer (2022 – 2023), Stockholm
SeenThis, Product Designer (2021 – 2022), Stockholm
SeenThis, Technical Producer (2018 – 2021), Stockholm
J.Lindeberg, Digital Designer (2017 – 2018), Stockholm